Surviving the Sugar Season: A Conversation with Katie Carter [Free Podcast]

Surviving the Sugar Season: A Conversation with Katie Carter [Free Podcast]

Katie Carter

Katie Carter

With the holiday season come the parties and the delicious candies, cakes, pies, and other delicious sweets and Carbohydrates. Then come the extra pounds of weight, the internal inflammation, and the imbalance that they cause.

Here to save the day is Superyogawoman Katie Carter with some lifesaving Strategies for Reducing Sugar Cravings! Katie has practiced yoga  for 40 years and taught it for 15. In addition, she is a holistic nutritional consultant.

In this timely offering you will learn about:

  • ways to eat that will curb your cravings for sugar and empty carbohydrates (this will help you throughout the whole year)
  • discover some important information about gluten and healthy fats
  • and, the importance of creating an internal environment that is healthy and alkaline


We will examine not only how to cut back on sugars, but also why it is important to do so now, and how you can protect your body by choosing the right way to drink your morning coffee. To top it off we will discuss what kind of alcohol is the best for you.


 See Dr. Miller’s Programs for Permanent Weight Loss:

Permanent Weight Loss offers a way to take charge of your mind and train your nervous system to use the powerful set of tools of deep relaxation and guided imagery. With these tools, you can take…  Learn More



You Are What You Think – Thoughts as Vitamins of Deep Healing and Happiness

You Are What You Think – Thoughts as Vitamins of Deep Healing and Happiness

“You Are What You Eat.” We are all aware of that.
But are you just as aware that it is also true that “you are what you think”?

It is true that the physical aspects of your body are intrinsically related to the food you eat, since the atoms that your body incorporates from the food you eat is who you are physically. But in truth, you are much more than just your body.

Woman relaxing in the sunAfter all, the dead body is made up of exactly the same atoms and molecules as the living body. It is physically constructed of exactly the same food as when it was alive. But there is a big difference between the states of living and death.

The truly living part of you, your mind, your feelings, your thoughts about who you are and what’s most valuable to you in your life are dependent upon the health of your brain and your mind. The most important aspect of you, the living part, is dependent upon the ability of your mind to see clearly what needs to be seen and to act in a way that serves you and produces healing, wellness, happiness, and love.

“A sound mind in a sound body,” they say, and just as the body needs its co-factors in order to nurture it, the mind needs a certain co-factors also–sort of like “mental vitamins.”


Mental Vitamins

Just as the health of the physical body depends upon its receiving high quality organic food and processing it effectively, true health at the level of the mind (mental/psychospiritual balance) involves seeing the truth clearly, and processing it effectively. And just as the physical body needs vitamins, you need mental vitamins to create the health, wholeness, and love you want in your life.

Vitamins B, C, and D, for example, are co-factors, tools, like a hammer or screwdriver, that your body uses in the process of constructing the actual proteins of which you are made. There are also mental tools, or “co-factors” that allow you to process your daily experiences so as to construct the mental, physical, emotional, and social environment that you really want to create.

When you lack the proper amount of certain vitamins, you experience health problems –- problems that are the result of your poor absorption or processing of the molecules of food you have eaten.

When you lack “mental vitamins,” you experience health problems and imbalance at the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level, as a result of the poor processing of information and experience. Before we become physically ill, we may or may not notice that there has been a build up of emotions, that we have been feeling angry, anxious, depressed, and stressed. Even if we don’t recognize these emotions within, they have an effect on the body, producing 80% or more of all our illnesses.

When you have a full complement of your “mental vitamins,” you become able to see clearly the world around you and to think about it in a certain way that produces health and happiness. Emotions are brought into balance and physical healing ensues.


Mind Tools

You may think of these mental vitamins as Mind Tools. Each of these Mind Tools is a way of processing the information that comes to you from your body and the world around you — a way that gives you the ability to recognize your symptoms and deal effectively with their true source.

Each of these Mind Tools is represented by a certain way of thinking, a certain perspective, a certain attitude, a certain way of looking at your self and the world you live in.Silouette of gears turning in head

For example, as you are probably aware, there are ways that you can think about yourself and the world that tend to make you feel really sad–such as when you begin to see yourself as the victim of pain, anguish, unkind others, or an oppressive world. On the other hand, there are times when you feel steeped in gratitude, grateful for the beauty around you and the extraordinary gift of life that dwells within your body.

Certain “mental vitamins,” certain Mind Tools, and knowing how to use them, help you to realize the power you have within to shift into a way of seeing the world that produces health, success, and joy. Your brain is designed to create this kind of world before you, and when you use your mind and brain to process the mental and emotional information reaching you in the way it was designed to, you will experience a dramatic movement towards health, success, and happiness. Mental Vitamins are necessary to do this.

The Tools are simple, you’ve already heard of them. Some of them are represented by the following ideas:

  • The source of all suffering is wanting things to be different from how they are.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  • True healing means wholeness and balance at every level of system.
  • You have the power to choose your attitude in any set of conditions.
  • Experiencing love, peace, and wholeness is possible in every moment.


But just as looking at the label on a bottle of vitamins will not resolve a physical vitamin deficiency, merely knowing the names of these Mind Tools will not produce the healing, happiness, and success you really want. The vitamin must be incorporated into your body in order for your body to use it, and the mental attitudes you need to create the world you really want to create require that you:

  • Discover the truth of who you are, your true values and purpose;
  • Incorporate your deepest values into each of your life’s activities;
  • Practice integrity — so that what you think, what you say, what you feel, and what you do are all congruent.


In my next article I will give you some tips on how you can do that. Meanwhile, learn some of these Mind Tools and sign up for my monthly newsletter.



Beyond Health to Peak Wellness – Warrior Pose: A Conversation with Bhava Ram [Free Podcast]

Beyond Health to Peak Wellness – Warrior Pose: A Conversation with Bhava Ram [Free Podcast]

This Podcast is a Must-Listen. Here’s why:

We all bemoan the pathetic state of today’s pandering television news and newscasters. Instead of their being our eyes and ears to tell us the truth about our world, they have sold out to the highest bidder.

A Conversation With Brad Willis

But there are heroes, and today’s show features a man who, in my opinion, represents those fine and high qualities of true journalism in the pursuit of truth, human freedom, and compassion. Listen, be moved, and perhaps transformed, and you will be much better able to recognize what a truly excellent journalist can be. Unless we identify and support quality journalism, I fear our downward slide will continue.We all bemoan the pathetic state of today’s pandering television news and newscasters. Instead of there being our eyes and ears to tell us the truth about our world, they have sold out to the highest bidder.

And what is also quite remarkable has been his adventures in Self-healing – his recovery from “terminal” cancer, broken back, and total disability. You will hear all about it in this conversation.

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Radiation Mask on Brad WIllisBhava Ram, is an award-winning war correspondent, who reported from the center of the such wars as those in South Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan and the drug wars in South America. You will be fascinated, moved, and inspired to discover the incredible healing experience that guided him to his discovery of Mind-Body medicine through the Letting Go Of Stress CD, and how he used yoga to heal himself deeply, then go on to found a school to pass on the healing wisdom, Deep disability. You will hear all about it in this conversation.

There are few things more pleasing to me than the experience of someone fully in touch with his or her values, and the powered by the authentic desire–or compulsion–to serve. I am especially moved by those who, in responding to the calls from within who are willing to risk their lives and their freedom in the service of what they truly believe in.

Bhava will share with us some of the extraordinary experiences he had while pursuing his goal of bringing public attention and healing support to people around the world whose lives have been wounded or destroyed by war. You will hear how a broken back leading him painfully to total disability, alcoholism, addiction to pain pills, and stage IV cancer from exposure to depleted uranium during the Gulf War. As you listen you will become aware that the show is about you . . . And about me . . . And about that indomitable spirit that dwells within all of us. It is about the power we all have to transform our bodies, our minds and our lives.

Bhava has just released a new book, his memoir, Warrior Pose: How Yoga Literally Saved My Life. We will explore some of the stories drawn from his book, and also glimpse more deeply the heart and soul of this remarkable man: “what spirit within him was moved when he held napalmed children in his arms or watched refugee women unwilling to stop clutching their frozen dead babies? How did that spirit spur him on to serve his fellow man through risking life and limb, and win broadcast journalism’s “Pulitzer Prize” at the same time? How does this same spirit now express itself?

Here are some photos of the book launch, where Dr. Miller introduced Bhava.



Smile For Hope – An Arab Woman’s Compassionate Initiative: A Conversation with Zeina Abdo [Free Podcast]

Smile For Hope – An Arab Woman’s Compassionate Initiative: A Conversation with Zeina Abdo [Free Podcast]

On my recent journey to Dubai, I had the fortune of coming across a truly beautiful, inspiring – even electrifying woman. When I discovered Zeina Abdo had been the first Arab woman to reach the summit of Imja Tse Island Peak 20305ft (4 miles) high in an effort to raise funds for pediatric cancer patients in Nepal, I knew I wanted to have a conversation and learn more about her.

zeina and group

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This show will also Air on
June 6th 12pm (PST) and July 18th


One of the most difficult lessons was that people find it hard to see the truth – they spend most of their time making themselves unhappy and making others unhappy – but blame it on the world. The truth is that we do have the power to change our world, to take care of those who are needy, to find personal happiness. It is a happy day in your life, indeed, and to find our personal mission.

In spite of the abuse and the pain in her own life, Zeina saw there was a greater need – and out of nowhere, decided to create a special program for the truly poor. In this conversation I ask what it is that empowers her to do what she does in spite of the risks and resistances. I think you will find that she is one of those who is fully in the process of awakening to her potential and that she can serve as an inspiration to us all.

Listen to her story, hear her with your heart, see the work she is doing on a shoestring ( ), and give her a little help ( ).

Connect with Zeina


About Healing Times Radio:
Conversations with Extraordinary People

Welcome to Healing Times Radio. Since being a part of the launching of the holistic approach to healing and the field of Holistic Medicine 40 years ago it has been Dr. Miller’s passion to seek out other thought leaders – the movers and shapers who could see the disaster looming for our world and were setting about crafting the tools that would help transform the world. Those few who, like Dr. Miller, were in the medical and psychological field could see the enormous waste in our health care system, the crisis it was leading to. The tools they developed – guided imagery, mindfulness, meditation, wellness, nutritional medicine, and physical exercise physiology – are now transforming mainstream medicine.

Those in other fields (organizational development, sociobiology, ecology, climatology, leadership) were developing their respective instruments and tools (e.g., The World Cafe, Gather The Women, Peak Moment TV, People’s Pharmacy) His relationships with this extraordinary cadre have developed through the decades, as they supported one another in the evolution of their collective intelligence and collective wisdom.

Dr. Emmett Miller ImageOn Conversations With Extraordinary People, you will experience Dr. Miller in Heart-to-Heart conversations with his remarkable guests as they explore the challenges to health and sustainability we face personally, collectively, globally. You will be treated to an enlightening intellectual experience and receive powerful, practical tools to:

      • Reclaim your inherent personal wisdom
      • Use the power of your mind to heal your body
      • Harness the energy of stress and apply it to your true goals in life
      • Nurture and heal your relationships and your planet


Listen Anytime

Browse and listen to shows anytime at Conversations With Extraordinary People or listen to Dr. Miller’s introductory show.

Check out upcoming topics and guests on our Calendar page. Shows are aired on Thursdays 12pm – 1pm.

About the Host

Emmett Miller MD is a physician, author, poet, musician, and master storyteller whose multicultural heritage has given him a unique social, medical, and spiritual perspective. A pioneer in Mind-Body Medicine, he fused the tools of meditation, hypnosis, prayer, and autosuggestion to form Guided Imagery – a powerful tool for self-healing and peak performance. Turning his attention to the larger sphere, he now applies those principles to the glaring community and cultural imbalances and the planetary illness they are causing. His examination, diagnosis, and prescription are explored in his latest book, Our Culture on the Couch: Seven Steps to Global Healing, Dr. Miller’s mission is to help us heal ourselves so that we can in turn, heal our planet.

Escape Your Mental Traps and Heal Our World: A Conversation with Frances Moore Lappe [Free Podcast]

Escape Your Mental Traps and Heal Our World: A Conversation with Frances Moore Lappe [Free Podcast]

Escape Your Mental Traps and Heal Our WorldOur conversation today is with the very busy Frances Moore Lappé. She has authored 18 books since she first reached national prominence with her three million copy selling Diet for a Small Planet.

In it she demonstrated that, although the ability of our planet to provide food is limited, if we learn how to eat wisely we can eat well, be healthy . . . and have enough for the starving millions to eat well also.

It’s become quite fashionable these days to sit around bemoaning the terrible state of affairs on planet Earth, what with global pollution, governmental corruption, corporate overreaching, and the fact that nearly one in every 7 human beings planetwide go to bed hungry every night, Francis bucks the trend again. Feeling helpless and defeated may seem like a good excuse for not doing anything, but, as Francis shares with us, these are simply thought traps–ways of thinking that make it hard for us to see the truth–that we can, by changing how we are thinking, discover that there are solutions to all these problems.

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Together, we will explore the ideas presented in her most recent book, EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think to Create the World We Want. The very simple and yet very powerful fact that escapes the attention of far too many people is that, for the most part, we do not see reality–what we see is a story about reality, a story constructed by beliefs that we have absorbed from the world around us. Or, as Frances says, “we don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are.” And that perspective shapes not only how we perceive this moment, but also what we believe is possible for our future.

As a result, we get caught in what she calls “thought traps,” powerful (although false) assumptions that disempower us. Together we explore the power of mental frames, how the problem of hunger can be successfully addressed, why a freedom from oil dependence is a necessary step towards the creation of real democracy, at home and abroad, and how democracy itself provides the ideal tools we need to make the changes that are long overdue.

Leadership and Awakening the Leader Within – A Conversation With David Isaacs, Co-developer of The World Cafe [Free Podcast]

Leadership and Awakening the Leader Within – A Conversation With David Isaacs, Co-developer of The World Cafe [Free Podcast]

David IsaacsIn this episode we will explore the how and why of designing, convening, and hosting conversations around the most important questions in the service of nourishing life for all the stakeholders, and how you can move from over-focus on a current problem to the development of “possibility thinking.”

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We are in a continual quest to discover ways to find leaders who can take us where we really want to go (as opposed to those “representatives” who are failing us miserably in congress, polluting our world, and keeping harmful conflicts alive).   Today’s guest, David Isaacs, BA, PD co-developed The World Cafe with Juanita Brown, PhD. The World Cafe is an approach to “source” the leadership from collective intelligence and the collective wisdom of a group.

David, Cofounder of The World Cafe, is president of Clearing Communications, and has been an international leadership consultant for more than 30 years. We will explore the how and why of designing, convening, and hosting conversations around the most important questions in the service of nourishing life for all the stakeholders, how to move from over-focus on the current problem to the development of “possibility thinking.” We will also examine the all-too-common problem of separation – of how we as individuals have become separated from the collective we, and how the cultivation of relationship can be healing and transformative. David will present the 7 principles used in the creation of The World Cafe, and how they relate to the awakening of the inner leader.

Further Reading & Suggested Programs

You can learn more about today’s guest and the world café community as well as purchase the book The World Café: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter by going to

There you will find other programs to help you embody the ideas and perspectives we’ve explored today, including:

My book and ebook – Our Culture on the Couch: Seven Steps To Global Healing

The DVD  Empowering Leadership

And these guided imagery programs available as Cds and MP3 downloads

  1. Awakening the Leader Within,
  2. Healing Our Planet
  3. Begin your Day the Olympian Way
  4. Optimal Performance
  5. Personal Excellence

You can learn more about the world café community at