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Critically aclaimed products curated for the symptoms you are experiencing  


The most common symptom that patients complain of in all of medical practice is generalized fatigue. Whereas fatigue may sometimes be the symptom of a significant physical disease it is much more often the result of stress, burn-out, lack of sleep, or overwork. Letting Go of Stress and Ten-Minute Stress Manager can help with the primary cause of most fatigue. Healing Journey and Accepting Change and Moving On help you deal with other aspects of fatigue. The short imagery offered in Relaxation and Inspiration can help you restore your energy, and the book, Deep Healing can help you design a life of balance and freedom from fatigue.

Deep Dive

As you harness the power of these Mind-Tools and gain control over your symptoms, remember that this is just the beginning. After dealing with the symptoms and primary source, you may wish to deal with deeper issues and related problems using these new approaches. For instance, behavioral symptoms (e.g., addiction or habit disorder) may be related to physical problems, emotional imbalance, or spiritual aspects. When you are ready (for some people, that may be right now), check out some of these additional programs hand-picked by Dr. Miller for their relevance.