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Stress Management Comprehensive Suite from Dr. Miller
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Guided Imagery Meditation Coaching and Therapy
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Emmett Miller MD
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Heal Your Mind & Body and Feel Better Today

Over 50 years ago, Dr. Miller stunned the world by introducing into the fields of Medicine and Psychology the most powerful tools ever created for Self-Healing, Peak Performance, Happiness, and Love. And his newest Mind-Tools are the best yet!

Our Best Sellers:

Treat The Source, Not Just The Symptoms

“Modern” medicine mainly treats only symptoms.  Dr. Miller’s neuroscience-based Mind-Tools treat the source and work their magic through mental imagery, the language of your deeper mind.  Listen as he leads you into the profoundly relaxed “healing state,” guiding body, mind, and emotions to deep healing, wholeness, and peak performance.


Millions agree, Dr. Miller’s voice is the fastest and easiest way. to reach the deeply relaxed “Healing State”.



Emmett Miller’s programs has confirmed and enriched both my personal life and my performances. They have given me a real sense of surrender and revived a childlike inspiration to do, to be, and to excel.

Joan Beaz

Singer, Songwriter, Activist

I was listening to all Dr. Miller’s tapes, and they helped me so much, I was so highly motivated and physically tough, it felt like I took the team to the Super Bowl myself … I thank Dr. Miller all the time.

Roger Craig

Star Halfback, S.F. 49ers Championship Team

“Seven years an MRI showed I had Multiple Sclerosis. This time I went to the best. Dr. Miller and I worked at discovering and healing the deeper source of my disease. Seven years after the diagnosis, I’m symptom free. I credit Dr. Miller with being a large part of my health.”

Joan MacMillan


“The future is not a place you are going to.  The future is a place you’re creating in this moment, with every thought, word, and action. Create wisely.” 

– Emmett Miller, MD

Acclaimed Father of Mind-Body Medicine

A New Science is Born.

Soon after becoming a physician and surgeon, young Dr. Miller came upon a profound truth: “modern medicine” seeks to find and eliminate the external agents of disease, yet most of our illnesses are not due primarily to external factors, but to internal ones.

Let Dr. Miller’s amazingly soothing voice gently guide you into the Healing State. Then reprogram your deeper mind through wise guided imagery. Awaken your incredible self-healing abilities, capable of addressing physical issues like cancer, chronic illness, surgery, fatigue, and everyday issues like headache, fatigue, infection, and muscle pain.

How to Manage Stress and Heal Your Body

Deep Relaxation is the key to unlocking your mind’s healing potential. Sink into blissful silence, deeper than ordinary “relaxation” as you listen. As anxiety, worry, and internal stress fade away, the toxic chemicals of the stress reaction that fuel illness drain away.  Free of the distractions of stress, your deeper mind and your nervous system are now open for “rescripting” (neuroplasticity). A velvet-smooth voice now guides your unconscious mind to experience and awaken your inner healing potential. Next, you envision positive images of the future to set your goals on the life of health and happiness you want.

Evidence Based Mind-tools:

Dr. Miller’s work is based on accepted scientific research; in fact, many of his original ideas have helped lead to that research. His guided imagery products and coaching seamlessly complement and enhance other legitimate treatments; indeed, they expand the effectiveness of these different treatments, targeting both symptoms and underlying causes.

Thank you for making “Healing Journey.” 

Through it, I was able to stop my slowly bleeding ulcer from oozing and have had no recurrences for four years. 

Without surgery!

R. Cox

(White Plains, NY)

Dr Emmett Miller’s book Deep Healing helped me enormously to truly understand the importance of relaxing deeply. The guided meditations have also been catalysts for some major breakthroughs in my healing.

His teachings supported me to go from being crippled and dressed by my 2-year-old to swimming six days a week and riding my bicycle regularly!  I still keep deep relaxation as a priority in my life.  

Bronnie Ware

Author of The Top Five Regrets of the Dying

I used “Successful Surgery & Recovery” and recovered so rapidly, so completely that my family doctor was amazed. He wanted to know who was my surgeon — that’s the one he wanted if he ever had to have surgery. Imagine his surprise when I told him that he completeness and swiftness of my recovery was remarkable in his experience and that I owed it to the work I did with Dr. Miller’s relaxation and imagery…

E. Burbank

(Albany, NY)

Your subconscious “monkey mind” does not understand that your challenges are not immediate life-or-death confrontations. Its only response to threat is the emergency stress reaction, which prevents your higher mind from thinking logically and creating a wise and effective strategy for dealing with your issues. Instead, in its “fight-or-flight” mode, the monkey mind attempts to escape the inner tension through addictions and other maladaptive behaviors. Dr. Miller guides you in quieting this monkey mind and choosing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that lead to deep healing and peak performance.

Featured Topics

Click below to learn about and sample guided imagery programs selected for your specific needs.

Balance Your Mind & Emotions

Change Habits, Behaviors, & Addictions

Heal Your Relationships

Nurture Your Spirit

Peak Performance


Because the monkey mind thinks they are life-or-death emergencies, the everyday irritations and challenges of modern life can trigger this unconscious reaction, releasing a constant flow of caustic stress chemicals that can inflame and weaken bodily organs, open them to disease, inhibit creativity, and make us feel bad. However, there is hope. Deep Healing, a process that you can actively engage in, relieves this stress and nurtures vitality, offering a path to rejuvenation and a brighter outlook.

Deep Healing; The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine

Dr. Miller’s Classic Book or Audiobook:

“Deep Healing is a must read for those just learning about alternative healing modes, and for those who wish a comprehensive understanding of the myriad possibilities evoked through a systematic understanding of body/mind phenomena. I highly recommend it!”

Francine Shapiro, Ph.D.

Psychologist, Originator and developer of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Distinguished Scientific Achievement in Psychology Award (California Psychological Association)

Professional Praise